NRA Women on Target event is scheduled for September 21, 2019, from 10 AM to 6 PM at the USSA Gun Range located at 6500 E 66th Street North, Tulsa, OK. Created by NRA to get more women into the shooting sports. You will enjoy a shooting fundamental and safety presentation before heading out to the range where you will have the opportunity to shoot pistol, rifle and possibly shotgun. This event will be held at USSA outdoor range in Tulsa. All guns and ammo will be provided. Please do not bring your own guns. Register to attend at the link below:
We hope to see many of you there. This is sponsored by Page Firearms Training, LLC. And I will be helping as a range safety officer. Come join us!
Deb Palinskee Stormy Orchid, LLCdeb@stormyorchid.com918-607-6094