The NRA Range Safety Officer program was developed in response to the demand for a nationally-recognized range safety officer certification. NRA Range Safety Officers are people who possess the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, conducting, and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations.
This course does not encompass the functions and responsibilities of a Range Officer, who conducts NRA competitive shooting events as defined by Rule 11.5 of the NRA Rule Books.
NRA Range Safety Officers must be 21 years of age or older.
The Range Safety Officer course consists of: Range Safety Officer’s roles and responsibilities, range standard operating procedures, range inspection and range rules, firearm stoppages and malfunctions, and Range Safety Briefings which include emergency procedures. Candidates must also receive 90 percent or better on the written exam.
The cost to take the training for the NRA RSO Certification Course is an $85 registration fee, plus NRA certification and processing fees. Click the register not button to go to the NRA site to register.
Register at the NRA site by clicking here.
Classes are limited to 10 people, so sign up today!
Deb Palinskee Stormy Orchid, LLCdeb@stormyorchid.com918-607-6094