Some of the topics in the course include gun safety rules, proper operation of rifles, ammunition knowledge, and selection, selecting and storing a rifle, the fundamentals of shooting, and rifle inspection and maintenance.
During the course, your Instructor will validate comprehension and application of gun safety rules; range protocol; proper handling; loading and unloading procedures; application of rifle shooting fundamentals; stable shooting positions; live fire; and final shooting qualification.
This is the perfect class for the beginner or the person that wants a little refresher. Ages 12 to 112 are welcome in our classes.
Register at the NRA site by clicking here.
The cost is $125.00 and includes lunch. The class starts at 9 AM and is 8 hours long.
Classes are limited to 10 people, so sign up today!
Deb Palinskee Stormy Orchid, LLCdeb@stormyorchid.com918-607-6094